Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Mar 27

Up to 1075 cards this week. I haven't been flipping many myself, I've been selling most of them to get enchant/gem money.

=-=-=-Card Values-=-=-=

5000g -- 0
1000g -- 0
200g -- 2
50g -- 2
20g -- 14
5g -- 80
1g -- 185
50s -- 219
10s -- 573

=-=-=-Chart-=-=-= (Still have no idea what's wrong with the chart. If someone wants to code me a little chart/graph widget, let me know.)[After editing the post to addin that part, it started showing the correct numbers. I'm confused, maybe it's a caching thing.]

<br /> Google Visualization API Sample<br />

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mar 20

Alright, here's this week's update. 1027 cards flipped in total.

*The graph seems to be showing the incorrect number of cards in each wedge on mouseover. Starting next week I'll post the individual values of the cards as text in addition to the chart.*

<br /> Google Visualization API Sample<br />

Monday, March 19, 2012

New updates

I had to take a forced hiatus, I'm just getting back into the game after not playing since November. I should be able to start posting regular updates, probably during Tuesday's maintenance each week.

Good luck and happy card flipping!